Digital printing of 2D materials using laser light

Printed pixels made of single-layer graphene have been made by laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT). This novel digital printing technol...

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Digital printing of 2D materials using laser light

Final call for multiproject wafer run!

Applications for our multiproject wafer run (MPW) are closing in less than a week! The MPW is an excellent opportunity to have graphene d...

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Final call for multiproject wafer run!

Experts explain MPW run in free webinar

Europractice hosted a webinar about the multiproject wafer (MPW) run offered by Graphenea and 2DEPL. The recording of the webinar is now ...

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Experts explain MPW run in free webinar

Free symposium on industrial uptake of graphene (2D-EPL)

2D-EPL is hosting its final Pioneering 2D Materials for Semiconductor Industry event, to be held in Brussels, 11-12 June. This free, lunc...

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Free symposium on industrial uptake of graphene (2D-EPL)

EUROPRACTICE customers can now access Graphenea foundry services th...

LEUVEN (Belgium), May 16, 2024 — EUROPRACTICE technology offer extends with fabrication processes of Graphenea, a world-leading ...

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EUROPRACTICE customers can now access Graphenea foundry services through imec
