Graphenea releases GFET-S30 for sensing applications
Graphenea is proud to announce the release of a new product, the S30 chip for sensing applications.
Leveraging Graphenea’s proprietary High-K Metal Gate (HKMG) process flow, this chip contains 30 graphene field-effect transistor (GFET) devices with a backgate and an effective oxide thickness (EOT) of only 5 nm. Such a small EOT allows for reliable backgating with just several volts, which makes this device useful to a large number of researchers.
Graphenea’s line of GFET products targets applications in sensing. The graphene devices have unprecedented sensitivity to the surrounding environment and are ideal transducers for a variety of applications. Depending on the target research or market, GFETs can be tuned for selectivity and specificity, having shown breakthrough performance in areas such as graphene device research, optoelectronics, photodetectors, photonics, optical modulators, and biosensing. The product line now contains 11 different products, each targeting a different particular application and customer segment.
The S10 contains Hall-bar devices that can be used for Hall measurements as well as 4-probe and 2-probe devices, the S11 has a van der Pauw geometry, the S12 has a pair of interdigitated contacts for gas sensing, the S20 range is designed for measurements in a liquid medium, with encapsulated metal pads, and the new S30 utilizes an extremely thin Al2O3 backgate to provide optimum sensing and tuning. The product line also contains a sensor device based on graphene oxide, the GOFET. All devices are made in a Class 1000 clean room and are subjected to rigorous quality control.
Aside from offering these standard, off-the-shelf chips, Graphenea provides a graphene foundry service, which allows customers to test their chip design with a high quality and low entry costs. Graphenea continues to listen to the demands of its customers, expanding the product offer diligently.