Introducing POTENTIAL: The New Project Revolutionizing Nanomaterial Safety Assessment
With the rapid development of nanomaterials, there is an increasing need for safety assessment in this field. In response to this challenge, a new project called POTENTIAL has been launched with the aim of revolutionizing nanomaterial safety assessment. This project promises to bring a fresh approach to the current methods and provide innovative solutions that will ensure safer usage of these materials.
POTENTIAL (Platform Optimization To Enable NanomaTerIAL safety assessment for rapid commercialisation) is developing a standardised approach for the detection, quantification and characterisation of Advanced Nanomaterials (Ad-NMs) as they interact with complex environmental and biological matrices, such as water sludge or animal tissue. The expected results are:
– A set of standard protocols for the physico-chemical characterisation of Ad-NMs
– A set of standard protocols for the high-resolution imaging of Ad-NMs
– A set of standard protocols for the nanotoxicity evaluation of Ad-NMs
– An in-vitro 3d cell model for safety assessment of Ad-NMs
– A computational model to maximize grouping and read-across approaches for the safety assessment of Ad-NMs
The objective of POTENTIAL is to provide comprehensive tools and protocols for the safe and responsible commercialisation of Ad-NMs. The project will enable the chemical industry to gain valuable knowledge and insight into the safety and efficacy of Ad-NMs, as well as to develop safer and more efficient Ad-NMs for industrial applications. The results of POTENTIAL will be an invaluable tool for governments, industry, and consumers alike.
The consortium is a group of international partners who are committed to developing and commercializing the POTENTIAL platform. The consortium members include:
- Instituto Mario Negri
- Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
- Innova srl
- Luxemborg Institute of Science and Technology
- CiCbiomaGune
- Emerge
- MuBiotech
- GreenDecision
- Graphenea
- Universite de Paris
- University of Leipzig
- Zhejiang University
POTENTIAL started on January 1st 2023 and will last until January 2027. The kickoff meeting took place the 8th of February in Milan.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Actions programme under Grant Agreement 101092901.