Free webinar about our multiproject wafer run – get your graphene device fabricated

Join a free webinar to learn about the possibility to have custom graphene devices fabricated during the upcoming multiproject wafer run at 2D-EPL!

Continuing the series of webinars on graphene technologies organised by EUROPRACTICE and 2D-EPL of the Graphene Flagship, the host Romano Hoofman, PhD, PMP (imec) will speak with Graphenea’s Dr. Elías Torres Alonso and Dr. Juan Manuel Gomez Perez. The webinar will cover the following topics:
✔️ General overview of graphene and the current state of the art in terms of graphene/2D device processing
✔️ Key application areas and interesting use cases
✔️ Design rules and key characteristics of Graphenea’s Process Flow 2.5, which you can use to create your own graphene devices
📅 29 May 2024 at 16:00 CEST (Brussels time)
45 min + Q&A
👉 Register here free of charge:

Multi-Project Wafer (MPW) runs are a common practice within the semiconductor ecosystem. Universities, R&D centres and start ups, which usually only need a few prototypes and operate on tight budgets, take advantage of MPW to obtain small volumes of devices at an affordable entry point. The service is carried out with a mask-sharing scheme, in which devices with different geometries but with shared device architecture are manufactured in a single fabrication run, using the same lithography mask. Such a process allows several interested customers to pay a part of the cost of the full manufacturing process, each obtaining a small number of devices with their desired geometry.  Graphenea announces an MPW with a novel process flow, with applications accepted from now until June 30. The current run will be suitable for a range of applications, from general electronics to sensing, to optoelectronics, and is expected to be delivered on September 1, 2024.

More information about the MPW run can be found in our recent blog post here.