Wafer-scale CMOS-integrated graphene field-effect transistor arrays...

Researchers report wafer-scale fabrication of CMOS-integrated graphene-field effect transistor (GFET) arrays with extremely high yield an...

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Wafer-scale CMOS-integrated graphene field-effect transistor arrays for biosensing

Wafer-scale integration of graphene for electro-optic devices

A recent publication in Laser & Photonics Reviews showcases a successful collaboration between IMEC and Graphenea, resulting in the i...

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Wafer-scale integration of graphene for electro-optic devices

Graphene Foundry to be upgraded

Graphenea plans to upgrade its foundry service for a qualitative leap for its customers. Graphenea Foundry proudly announces that it will...

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Graphene Foundry to be upgraded

Graphene transistors with high on-off switching ratio

Commercial off-the-shelf graphene transistors have been used to achieve high on-off ratios, with potential for integration in digital log...

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Graphene transistors with high on-off switching ratio
